Freeradius 2 + MySQL + MD5 hash don't work

joaocdc at joaocdc at
Sat Mar 19 00:45:42 CET 2011

Okay folks, I appreciate the help. Already managed to solve.

Basically there were two details, the first was as the supplicant was trying
to authenticate, it was either use MSCHAPv2, but the passwords were
encrypted at the base with MD5, just like CHAP authentication would not work
. By forcing the supplicant to use TTLS + PAP, the authentication worked.

I thank you all.

2011/3/17 Alan Buxey <A.L.M.Buxey at>

> Hi,
> >    Dear Phil,
> >
> >    By removing this option, it tries to authenticate with EAP/MSCHAPv2,
> and
> >    also fails.
> works - but you havent got the 'sql' module enabled in the
> inner-tunnel
> (which is where the server goes to when its doing EAP)
> put sql into the inner-tunnel virtual-server and then the password
> will be exposed in the EAP voila, it will work(tm)
> alan
> -
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João Paulo de Lima Barbosa
Fone: (45) 9938-8399
Twitter: @joaocdc

"O erro dos que tem poder é colocar barreiras para que ninguém os alcance,
incentivando-nos a buscar todas as formas que encontramos para alcança-los."
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