authenticate via etc/shadow intead of users

Raheel Itrat raheel082 at
Mon Mar 21 21:10:40 CET 2011

Thanks Alan, what I am actually trying to achieve is to authenticate users against our Linux /etc/shadow or /etc/password/ files. I don't want to use the USERS file as it stores passwords in clear text which is what we're trying to avoid.

> Hi,
> >    I am a newbie to free radius, I need to know what changes are required in
> >    radiusd.conf or any other file in order to authenticate clients requests
> >    through local machine users(etc/passwd or etc/shadow) instead of making
> >    users in the raddb/users file.
> add users to the system passwd/shadow file, ensure that the 'unix' module
> is enabled. 
> answer based on the scarce info provided
> alan
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