radwho shows only the last user logged.

joaocdc at gmail.com joaocdc at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 20:29:37 CET 2011

My NAS is cisco is a wireless controller.

Any suggestions for settings?

And I'm also keeping my sessions in SQL.


2011/3/25 Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com>

> joaocdc at gmail.com wrote:
> > Actually my NAS is sending the same port for all my users, but the door
> > that she is sending is "NAS-Port = 29".
>   So your NAS is broken.  I don't know why people do that...
> > How can I configure it?
> >
> > is the radius or the NAS?
>   The NAS.  Read the NAS documentation.
>  However, it will likely say *nothing* about this subject.  If the NAS
> vendor understood RADIUS, they wouldn't have this problem.
> > If the radius, how do I setup?
>   Don't use radutmp.  Instead, store the sessions in SQL, and edit the
> SQL configuration.
>  Alan DeKok.
> -
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João Paulo de Lima Barbosa
Fone: (45) 9938-8399
Blog: http://joao.us
Twitter: @joaocdc

"O erro dos que tem poder é colocar barreiras para que ninguém os alcance,
incentivando-nos a buscar todas as formas que encontramos para alcança-los."
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