Radius Database

Fajar A. Nugraha list at fajar.net
Fri May 6 15:56:48 CEST 2011

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 8:40 PM, SC@ <sca1309 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I think you didn't understand my problem...

I think you didn't understand the hints everyone is trying to give you.
The answers are all there, but only if you have enough basic knowledge to
understand them.

> I have no problem with one software particularly... I have installed
> freeradius, i have imported its database, i have written in, i have
> connected my computer to a switch to test and all is right.
> In an other hand, I have created a website to manage a database, i have
> create a database with phpmyadmin to test and all is right... but i don't
> know how to connect both... the database of freeradius is in a file, the
> database of phpmy admin is in an other... when i modify my website's code
> to
> manage my radius database it is not find because it is not at the right
> place... that's why I want freeradius to create its database at another
> place... but i don't think it is a problem of knowledge with that
> softwares,
> it is way to change but where and how ?

Let me repeat my answer "From your questions, you don't even know about
connecting to MySQL server via TCP-IP"

The solution to that, was given by Alan "This is a question for MySQL, and
has nothing to do with FreeRADIUS"

Have you asked there?

Here's another hint:
- you can have many mysql servers on the same computer, on any directroy you
choose, accessible by tcp/ip, as long as they use different ip address/port
combination. The usual setup is to bind to all IP address, and use different
port (documentation example:
- an application can connect to different database servers by connecting to
different ip address/port combinations (documentation example:

Let me repeat another part of my answer:
"(4) If you still have no idea what I'm talking about, then perhaps it's
better to enlist professional, paid support for implementation."

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