using freeRadius to authentic a user to access different sources with different configuration

Abbas Yazdanpanah yazdanpanah.a+freeradius at
Tue May 17 13:41:42 CEST 2011

Dear all,

There is a NAS and I want to authenticate users. I have two resources,
the first one the is Internet and the second is an intranet. I've two
access policies regarding to each source. for example a policy is
"users have different bandwidth for accessing each source". I've a
proprietary radius server and have used its scripting abilities to set
the second resource policy. It must be said that the second resource
policy is identical for all users. It has been decided to migrate our
system to freeRadius (due to the expenses) and also there is a change
in policies so the second resource policy is not identical for all
users any more. Due to my lack deep experience in freeRadius, I was
wondering if there is any suggestion that would help me about this


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