Sending Reply-Message in Access-Reject (PEAP/MSCHAPv2)

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue May 24 13:46:43 CEST 2011

On 24/05/11 12:16, Martin Goldstone wrote:
> Hello,
> Just looking for a bit of advice here.  I've been setting up freeradius
> here recently, and whilst I'm mostly finished, there are a few points
> that still need to be addressed.  The main one is sending a (semi)
> meaningful reply message when a user is rejected.  Unfortunately, I'm
> having trouble figuring out how to return a Reply-Message from with in
> the inner tunnel.  Well, to be more specific, returning that
> Reply-Message within the final Access-Reject.

Do you have this in eap.conf:

  eap {
   peap {
     use_tunneled_reply = yes


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