Local Auth if Proxy Auth fails ---OR--- Proxy Auth if Local Auth fails

"Яцко Эллад Геннадьевич (ngs)" eyatsko at ngs.ru
Fri Oct 7 10:04:06 CEST 2011


Is it possuble to use another Auth-mechanism if primary Auth failed?

The below is what I meant:

1) NAS -> FreeRADIUS: User/Password
2) FreeRADIUS - Does User exist in Local DB?
3) If "yes" - Access-Acept!
4) If "no" - Are any Proxies configured? FreeRADIUS -> Proxy: User/Password
5) Proxy answers, FreeRADIUS translates the answer further to NAS.

Kind regards,
Ellad Yatsko

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