Andreas Rudat rudat at endstelle.de
Fri Oct 21 19:10:55 CEST 2011

Am 21.10.2011 18:28, schrieb Phil Mayers:
> On 21/10/11 17:03, Andreas Rudat wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using samba as pdc and ldap as user database. That all works fine.
>> Now I want to use the ldap database for user auth. for radius.
>> But when I'm looking here
>> http://deployingradius.com/documents/configuration/active_directory.html
>> and some other sources, I read everywhere the same. "Konfiguration of
>> Kerberos" but why? I think it should also with ntlm only? And does this
>> paper is the correct for me? Caus if I understand it correctly in that
>> scenario they are using a MS AD?
> If you are using a Samba PDC with LDAP storage, you should be able to 
> make FreeRADIUS extract the ntPassword LDAP attribute, and you will 
> not need to interact with Samba at all.
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ok, thanks

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