Installation docu

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Mon Oct 24 19:24:11 CEST 2011

On 24/10/11 17:17, Andrej wrote:
> On 24 October 2011 21:50, Phil Mayers<p.mayers at>  wrote:
> Hi Phil,
> Thanks for taking the time to respond.
>> Which location?
> /usr/lib64/postgresql
> /usr/include/postgresql


What does:

pg_config --includedir --libdir

...say for you?

>> What OS are you on?
> Slackware64 13.1 - postgres 9.1.1 built and installed from source.

"Source" source or "Slackware package" source?

(I can't remember how Slackware does it's packaging - isn't it some 
crazy tarball mashup?)

>> Plain ./configure works fine for me on RHEL5 and Fedora.
> That's good for you but kind of besides the point.. :}  I *did* get it

That depends on what you want to achieve... Personally I'd like 
./configure to "just work", which I both why I asked your header 
locations, and cited the fact it DOES "just work" on some systems.

I might take a look at calling "pg_config" in ./configure

> installed; what I'm saying is that the build process/build requirements
> w/ an  RDBMS back-end aren't really documented.

Well, ./configure --help says:

   --with-rlm-FOO-lib-dir=DIR       Directory to look for library files 
used by module FOO
   --with-rlm-FOO-include-dir=DIR   Directory to look for include files 
used by module FOO

...which I assume is what you used in the end?

Anyway - if you want to document, document away. The place to do it is 
the Wiki, since the eventual goal is to include the Wiki docs with the 
server source AIUI.

Perhaps a "Building against non-standard header/library paths" under the 
"Building from source" section?

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