Free Radius 2.1.10 ubuntu 10.10 Multiple RootCA

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Oct 25 17:29:59 CEST 2011

Kris Armstrong wrote:
> I am trying to configure free radius with multiple ROOT CA's.  This is
> not a products environment it is purely a test environment.  We need the
> ability to test out products against freeradius and other radius
> servers. using multiple different certificate sizes and ROOT CA's.

  That should work, but it all depends on OpenSSL.

> I currently have the following in my EAP.conf file.  Based on the way I
> read the eap.conf file this would be the correct way of doing it.  Here
> is what happens.  I can authenticate against the first ROOT CA

  Uh... your configuration is wrong.

> no matter
> which one it is as long as its the first in the list. its like all other
> CA's are ignored.

  They are ignored.  The documentation does *not* say you can have
multiple "CA_file" entries.

  Instead, put all of the CAs into one file.  Or, put the certs into
their own files, delete the CA_file entry, and configure CA_path.

> I had read on another forum that in order to support multiple ROOT CAs
> you just put them all in the same file. I tried this as well with just
> the certs as well as with the certs and the private keys neither seemed
> to work.

  I don't understand what that means.  You put *what* into one file?
Just the certs?  Or the certs and private keys?  If so, why?

  Alan DeKok.

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