How to update a MySql table after successfully WIFI authentication?
2394263740 at
Thu Sep 1 16:29:11 CEST 2011
I'm using free radius server 2.1.11 on Linux Enterprise Server 6.1.
OS: Linux Enterprise Server 6.1
Radius: free radius server 2.1.11
Database: Mysql
I got a WIFI network, using one radius server.
The whole thing works fine.
I got a requirement, which is, after each successful WIFI connection, one record need be added into connectionlog table.
CREATE TABLE connectionlog (
radacctid bigint(21) NOT NULL auto_increment,
acctsessionid varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
acctuniqueid varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
username varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
groupname varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
realm varchar(64) default '',
nasipaddress varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
nasportid varchar(15) default NULL,
nasporttype varchar(32) default NULL,
acctstarttime datetime NULL default NULL,
acctstoptime datetime NULL default NULL,
acctsessiontime int(12) default NULL,
acctauthentic varchar(32) default NULL,
connectinfo_start varchar(50) default NULL,
connectinfo_stop varchar(50) default NULL,
acctinputoctets bigint(20) default NULL,
acctoutputoctets bigint(20) default NULL,
calledstationid varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
callingstationid varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
acctterminatecause varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
servicetype varchar(32) default NULL,
framedprotocol varchar(32) default NULL,
framedipaddress varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
acctstartdelay int(12) default NULL,
acctstopdelay int(12) default NULL,
xascendsessionsvrkey varchar(10) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (radacctid),
KEY username (username),
KEY framedipaddress (framedipaddress),
KEY acctsessionid (acctsessionid),
KEY acctsessiontime (acctsessiontime),
KEY acctuniqueid (acctuniqueid),
KEY acctstarttime (acctstarttime),
KEY acctstoptime (acctstoptime),
KEY nasipaddress (nasipaddress)
) ;
Can you please kindly advise how to do this?
Which file should be edited?
Where is the context to put in the script?
What is the script?
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