Unable to Authenticate with SHA Password
Alan DeKok
aland at deployingradius.com
Mon Sep 12 17:15:56 CEST 2011
Rajkumar balaji wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am unable to authenticate the When I send SHA password to the FreeRADIUS.
> I have configured SHA-Password := "admin123" in the users file.
That's not a SHA password. It's a clear-text password.
> My Password is admin123 and after SHA messagedigest its
> -50-2710713-59-76-1105593-48-89-126-957495-4-108-29-81-48
I have no idea what that is. SHA returns a hex string.
> RADIUS is getting the request but its rejecting it.
> Please find the following radius logs,
> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host port 50459, id=0,
> length=111
> User-Name = "emsadmin"
> User-Password =
> "-50-2710713-59-76-1105593-48-89-126-957495-4-108-29-81-48"
Huh? You have this all completely backwards.
Give the clear-text password to "radclient". It should show up in the
debug output as User-Password = "admin123".
Put the hex version of the SHA has into the "users" file, as:
emsadmin SHA-Password := 0x123456789abcdef....
It WILL work.
Alan DeKok.
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