Quick enable/disable user account.

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Wed Sep 14 08:55:37 CEST 2011

rauch.holger at googlemail.com wrote:
> It's not just a matter of knowing how write rows in MySQL (that by itself
> doesn't change the enable/disable status) but also knowing which
> *column in particular* needs to be set to *what value*. Seems to me like the
> original poster was referring to that rather than some general MySQL syntax
> issue.

  Or, the OP could have read the FAQ about "disabled" users.  A simple
text search for "disable" would have produced an example.

> Are you *really* sure that advices like these are helpful at all???

  Yes.  That's the correct response to questions like "I'm too lazy to
read the docs, so you need to suggest multiple ways of solving this

  After 10+ years on this list, I know what the next step is.  "Oh, you
gave me multiple solutions, but I don't want to do any of them because
of ther information I've kept secret until now.  Please suggest other

  i.e. if you can't be bothered to do any work to help yourself, we
can't be bothered either.

  That should probably be in the FAQ, or in the auto-sig for this list.

> (Alan, I've been subscribed to this mailing list for quite a while now and
> I'm well aware of the fact that you're very involved concerning code
> maintenance which leaves less time for answering mails. Of course I can only
> speak on my behalf, but I'm sure your work is appreciated by all list
> members. But, to be honest, a suggestion like the one given above is purely
> ridiculous and is (almost) the same as not replying at all.

  Explain *why* it's ridiculous.  I'd love to know.

Q: I can't be bothered to do work for myself, can you help me?
A: No, you need to do some work for yourself.

  Cue crying about how mean Alan is.

  Alan DeKok.

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