EAP problem

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Wed Aug 1 17:59:32 CEST 2012

marco perugini wrote:
> hi list!
> i think we found same issue as david: something fails in eap-ttls. my
> supplicant is a huawei wimax cpe [that obviously works great on my other
> radius server but not the new one...]. we noticed some commit about ttls
> so we built master branch from git in the afternoon but still we have
> this problem; are we wrong about new eap-ttls configuration section? you
> can find my "radiusd -Xxx" as attachment.

  Could you grab the latest version from "master"?  I added a patch to
print out the contents of the tunnel.  This lets me know *what* is in
the tunnel, so I know how to fix it.


  Alan DeKok.

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