Freeradius Accounting

Robert Souter robertsouter at
Mon Aug 6 15:35:17 CEST 2012

Afternoon All

I apologies if I am sending detail the wrong way or the wrong format.

But a newbie to this and also new to working with freeradius so I do apologies in advance if I have done something wrong.

My issue with freeradius is Accounting

The issue been I took over looking after the freeradius server when someone left, and he dealt with it himself up to then.

What I am trying to figure out is that up to the day he left the server was doing accounting in the following directory  Var/log/radius/radacct
then below that was a folder for each server that was allowed to authenticate in the /clients.conf/ file

I have checked the radius server and it is still using ports 1646 and 1645 have also check our cisco NAS router and it is pointing to our radius server with the secret password, which I have checked and are the same along with the same ports 1646 and 1645.

If you can help it would be much appreciated.

I am sorry if I have not put in the correct data but if you let me know I will try and put it right and adhere to your rules.

Thanks very much for your assistance.

Kind Regards

Robert Souter
Network Engineer

0345 450 4502


0345 450 4503

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