Set expiry timeout after first login

Carl Peterson cpeterson at
Wed Aug 8 16:05:59 CEST 2012

I'm sure there are other ways to do this but I do it with a post auth
query matching a specific max all session value.  If it matches, it
updates the attribute to expiration and sets the value 24hr from now.
When I wrote it, freeradius only supported one post auth query so I
use cases to match an hour, day, week, etc with an else for a

On Aug 8, 2012, at 6:50 AM, Andrei Petru Mura <mapandrei at> wrote:

> I have a user that has Session-Timeout set to 2 hours (7200sec). I want that user to have time for using its connection one day after first login. So, if after one day after he logged in first time, he didn't use his full amount of time, his account will be expired. Is there an attribute that can set expiry timeout after first login?
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