AW: Re: Radius Code set to 2??

Matthias Nagel matthias.h.nagel at
Tue Dec 4 13:31:30 CET 2012

some APs have the option to work as a RADIUS proxy. Perhaps the AP is not actually broken, but only wrongly configured.

Matthias Nagel
Willy-Andreas-Allee 1, Zimmer 506
76131 Karlsruhe

Telefon: +49-721-8695-1506
Mobil: +49-151-15998774
ICQ: 499797758
Skype: nagmat84Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudbardb at> hat geschrieben:
On 4 Dec 2012, at 10:14, ashok kumar <vijayashok.ece at> wrote:

> Hey folks,
> I have and AP from which I get a RADIUS message with code field set to 2. It was received from on port 1812.
> Can anybody tell me the significance of this problem because when I change the APs everything works fine. I need to ascertain whether any configuration change is required on AP/ Radius server.

Your AP is broken. It shouldn't be sending Access-Accepts to the RADIUS server...

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