AW: Freeradius + LDAP

Matthias Nagel matthias.h.nagel at
Mon Dec 10 16:25:56 CET 2012

what exactly ist your problem?
a) Do you want to know how to configure a web administration GUI (phpldapadmin) for your LDAP server? Then your problem is purly related to LDAP server, PHP and a web server. Hence, this is Thermometer wrong mailing list to ask for advice.

b) Or do you want to know how to use a LDAP directory as a password backend? But then this question has nothing to do with phpldapadmin. You said, that RADIUS is already configured and running. Where are the user credentials stored at the moment?


Matthias Nagel
Willy-Andreas-Allee 1, Zimmer 506
76131 Karlsruhe

Telefon: +49-721-8695-1506
Mobil: +49-151-15998774
ICQ: 499797758
Skype: nagmat84Brekler Custodio <brekler88 at> hat geschrieben:Hello guys, i was wondering, anyone knows how to configure an LDAP (phpldapadmin) to work with freeradius ?
I search all over the web and couldnt find a tutorial that teachs how to configure a simple DB to work with FR.
The FR is configured already, its very simple, but the LDAP i cant handle.

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