freeradius down every Sun Dec 30 06:50:40 2012 : Error: ASSERT FAILED modcall.c[106]: (p->type > MOD_SINGLE) && (p->type <= MOD_POLICY)

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Sun Dec 30 17:02:22 CET 2012

This fails without fail every Sunday? In that case check what happens... eg if that HUP'ING of the freeradius is a weekly crontab then investigate what else is going on at that time there appear to be mysql errors - ate you using mysql? If so, its not good having errors with that module (and can be the cause if the problem...) I wouldn't say just stop that has a purpose...but see if you are also eg dealing with mysql logrotating at the same time and if you are, don't.

I would advise doing a restart of the daemon rather than a HUP and contact your distro maintainers to get latest version. 2.1.10 is really really old.


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