Empty user attributes in proxied request

Rui Ribeiro ruyrybeyro at gmail.com
Thu Jan 5 22:34:24 CET 2012

> Hi,
>>   to authenticate with the eduroam user. It seems that although the
>>   request is proxied, my server tries to locally check the authorized
>>   attributes of the user against my local ldap server. And since no
>>   such user exists ldap returns : object not found
> use unlang to put a protection wrapper around your ldap eg
> if (%{realm} == /yourrealm.com/){
> 	ldap
> }

I solved it in the users file:

DEFAULT Realm == "yourrealm.com", Ldap-Group == "your_ldap_group"
                        Service-Type = "Framed-User",
                        Reply-Message = "Eduroam instuition",
                        Framed-MTU = 1300,
                        Tunnel-Type = VLAN,
                        Tunnel-Medium-Type = IEEE-802,
                        Tunnel-Private-Group-Id = "xxxx"

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