Help needed configuring MAB on FreeRADIUS and Cisco switch

alan buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Mon Jul 16 10:20:17 CEST 2012


> Issuing 'radius -X' still isn't showing anything :-(

radiusd -X  ?

please ensure you are trying to runt he right command.... 

if you dont see anything on the output when client connection attempts are made,
then you have a problem elsewhere on the network or on the NAS.... you could
try running 

tcpdump -eqntl -i ethX port 1812

(replace ethX with the name of your interface on which packets should be arriving)

you can also turn on debuggin on your NAS - cisco kit has quite extensive 802.1X
debugging - you should then see it sending traffic....    I suspect you may have
an ACL between the management level of the switches and your server.

> Radius can't be this hard to get working can it?

the bit you are doing should be easy. the hard part is authentication and policy.


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