Abwesenheit (was: Freeradius Installation Challenges)

George Innocent ginnocentus2002 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 27 21:05:42 CEST 2012

Find attached.
I have double checked the braces.

On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 9:45 PM, alan buxey <A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi,
> >    Freeradius version-------- Freeradius-server-2.1.12
> >
> >    radtest result:
> once again, dont care about the client output
> >    root at radiuspst:/usr/local/src/freeradius-server-2.1.12/raddb#
> radiusd -X
> ah, thats better...and look, the server is telling you exactly what is
> wrong:
> >    /usr/local/etc/raddb/clients.conf[174]: Too many closing braces
> >    Errors reading /usr/local/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf
> which bit of this isnt clear?  you have too many closing braces in your
> clients.conf
> file - ie you've made a mistake when editing it.
> so..fix that (or post it to this list so we can point out the error)
> alan
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

George Innocent.
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# -*- text -*-
## clients.conf -- client configuration directives
##	$Id$

#  Define RADIUS clients (usually a NAS, Access Point, etc.).

#  Defines a RADIUS client.
#  '' is another name for 'localhost'.  It is enabled by default,
#  to allow testing of the server after an initial installation.  If you
#  are not going to be permitting RADIUS queries from localhost, we suggest
#  that you delete, or comment out, this entry.

#  Each client has a "short name" that is used to distinguish it from
#  other clients.
#  In version 1.x, the string after the word "client" was the IP
#  address of the client.  In 2.0, the IP address is configured via
#  the "ipaddr" or "ipv6addr" fields.  For compatibility, the 1.x
#  format is still accepted.
#client localhost 
	#  Allowed values are:
	#	dotted quad (
	#       hostname    (radius.example.com)
#	ipaddr =

	#  OR, you can use an IPv6 address, but not both
	#  at the same time.
#	ipv6addr = ::	# any.  ::1 == localhost

	#  A note on DNS:  We STRONGLY recommend using IP addresses
	#  rather than host names.  Using host names means that the
	#  server will do DNS lookups when it starts, making it
	#  dependent on DNS.  i.e. If anything goes wrong with DNS,
	#  the server won't start!
	#  The server also looks up the IP address from DNS once, and
	#  only once, when it starts.  If the DNS record is later
	#  updated, the server WILL NOT see that update.

	#  One client definition can be applied to an entire network.
	#  e.g. 127/8 should be defined with "ipaddr =" and
	#  "netmask = 8"
	#  If not specified, the default netmask is 32 (i.e. /32)
	#  We do NOT recommend using anything other than 32.  There
	#  are usually other, better ways to achieve the same goal.
	#  Using netmasks of other than 32 can cause security issues.
	#  You can specify overlapping networks (127/8 and 127.0/16)
	#  In that case, the smallest possible network will be used
	#  as the "best match" for the client.
	#  Clients can also be defined dynamically at run time, based
	#  on any criteria.  e.g. SQL lookups, keying off of NAS-Identifier,
	#  etc.
	#  See raddb/sites-available/dynamic-clients for details.

#	netmask = 32

	#  The shared secret use to "encrypt" and "sign" packets between
	#  the NAS and FreeRADIUS.  You MUST change this secret from the
	#  default, otherwise it's not a secret any more!
	#  The secret can be any string, up to 8k characters in length.
	#  Control codes can be entered vi octal encoding,
	#	e.g. "\101\102" == "AB"
	#  Quotation marks can be entered by escaping them,
	#	e.g. "foo\"bar"
	#  A note on security:  The security of the RADIUS protocol
	#  depends COMPLETELY on this secret!  We recommend using a
	#  shared secret that is composed of:
	#	upper case letters
	#	lower case letters
	#	numbers
	#  And is at LEAST 8 characters long, preferably 16 characters in
	#  length.  The secret MUST be random, and should not be words,
	#  phrase, or anything else that is recognizable.
	#  The default secret below is only for testing, and should
	#  not be used in any real environment.
#	secret		= testing123

	#  Old-style clients do not send a Message-Authenticator
	#  in an Access-Request.  RFC 5080 suggests that all clients
	#  SHOULD include it in an Access-Request.  The configuration
	#  item below allows the server to require it.  If a client
	#  is required to include a Message-Authenticator and it does
	#  not, then the packet will be silently discarded.
	#  allowed values: yes, no
	require_message_authenticator = no

	#  The short name is used as an alias for the fully qualified
	#  domain name, or the IP address.
	#  It is accepted for compatibility with 1.x, but it is no
	#  longer necessary in 2.0
#	shortname	= localhost

	# the following three fields are optional, but may be used by
	# checkrad.pl for simultaneous use checks

	# The nastype tells 'checkrad.pl' which NAS-specific method to
	#  use to query the NAS for simultaneous use.
	#  Permitted NAS types are:
	#	cisco
	#	computone
	#	livingston
	#	max40xx
	#	multitech
	#	netserver
	#	pathras
	#	patton
	#	portslave
	#	tc
	#	usrhiper
	#	other		# for all other types

#	nastype     = other	# localhost isn't usually a NAS...

	#  The following two configurations are for future use.
	#  The 'naspasswd' file is currently used to store the NAS
	#  login name and password, which is used by checkrad.pl
	#  when querying the NAS for simultaneous use.
#	login       = !root
#	password    = someadminpas

	#  As of 2.0, clients can also be tied to a virtual server.
	#  This is done by setting the "virtual_server" configuration
	#  item, as in the example below.
#	virtual_server = home1

	#  A pointer to the "home_server_pool" OR a "home_server"
	#  section that contains the CoA configuration for this
	#  client.  For an example of a coa home server or pool,
	#  see raddb/sites-available/originate-coa
#	coa_server = coa

# IPv6 Client
#client ::1 {
#	secret		= testing123
#	shortname	= localhost
# All IPv6 Site-local clients
#client fe80::/16 {
#	secret		= testing123
#	shortname	= localhost

#client some.host.org {
#	secret		= testing123
#	shortname	= localhost

#  You can now specify one secret for a network of clients.
#  When a client request comes in, the BEST match is chosen.
#  i.e. The entry from the smallest possible network.
#client {
#	secret		= testing123-1
#	shortname	= private-network-1
#client {
#	secret		= testing123-2
#	shortname	= private-network-2

#client {
#	# secret and password are mapped through the "secrets" file.
#	secret      = testing123
#	shortname   = liv1
#       # the following three fields are optional, but may be used by
#       # checkrad.pl for simultaneous usage checks
#	nastype     = livingston
#	login       = !root
#	password    = someadminpas

#  Per-socket client lists.  The configuration entries are exactly
#  the same as above, but they are nested inside of a section.
#  You can have as many per-socket client lists as you have "listen"
#  sections, or you can re-use a list among multiple "listen" sections.
#  Un-comment this section, and edit a "listen" section to add:
#  "clients = per_socket_clients".  That IP address/port combination
#  will then accept ONLY the clients listed in this section.
#clients per_socket_clients {
#	client {
#		secret = testing123
#        }

client {

    secret        = testing123

    shortname = localhost

    nastype       = other


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