radiusd -X SQL suggests "not found" however user attributes are in the radcheck table?

Fajar A. Nugraha list at fajar.net
Tue Jul 31 19:25:21 CEST 2012

On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Kaya Saman <kayasaman at gmail.com> wrote:
> mysql> select * from radcheck;
> +----+--------------+-------------------------+----+----------+
> | id | username     | attribute               | op | value    |
> +----+--------------+-------------------------+----+----------+
> |  1 | 0015c5537baa | Auth-Type               | := | Accept   |

Is this intentional? You DO know what setting that means, right?

> |  2 | 0015c5537baa | Tunnel-Type             | =  | VLAN     |
> |  3 | 0015c5537baa | Tunnel-Medium-Type      | =  | IEEE-802 |
> |  4 | 0015c5537baa | Tunnel-Private-Group-Id | =  | 20       |
> |  5 | 0015c5537baa | Tunnel-Preference       | =  | 0x000000 |
> +----+--------------+-------------------------+----+----------+

I'd suggest you change "=" to ":=", but it looks like you don't know
what the tables are for, as AFAIK those attributes should be in
radreply (also with ":="), not in radcheck. So just delete those rows
for now.

I highly suggest you re-read the documentation, including the included
doc/rlm_sql (also available on


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