FreeRADIUS 2.1.12 as DHCPd with both static and dynamic IP-MAC via SQL

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Sat Mar 3 12:07:03 CET 2012

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 5:16 PM,  <newuse at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Again questions about FR as DHCP server with SQ:
> Is it possible to setup FR as  DHCPd on FreeBSD to a given interface or it's IP?

Your mail client is weird. It's inserting " " at seemingly random places.

And your question is confusing. Not to mention typos ("SQ:"?). Please
spend some time to check what you wrote. If others can't understand
your question easily, it's unlikely that you will get any answers.

If your question is "can I use FR as dhcp server", then the answer is
"yes, but you should use latest snapshot from v2.1.x git branch":

I haven't tested it on freebsd though.

> Could I use rlm_sqlpool to store MAC-IP associations?

Yes. There's an example there.

> I am trying to use an old dial-up  module (FreeNIBS) for my WiFi network, all seems to be OK,  but there is no DHCP,

Depending on your setup, you might not need a dhcp server as most
wireless AP/hotspot setup has their own dhcp server.


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