Windows 7 prompting several times

Alan Buxey A.L.M.Buxey at
Mon Mar 5 18:42:33 CET 2012

> On 05/03/12 16:16, Morris, Andi wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Apologies for being slightly off topic.
> >
> > Does anyone else get a problem with Windows 7 clients prompting for the
> > radius credentials 2 or 3 times before finally accepting them? No errors
> > are shown on the radius side, and I’ve read that this is a problem with
> > the operating system, but wondered whether anyone in this knowledgeable
> > community had overcome this?
> We don't see that, and I've never heard that explanation.

wait until you're running windows 8 - where you'll be flicking backwards
and forwards between the new 'metro' interface and the real win7 interface
that still lurks underneath doing all the real things (in some form of 'not
really in the right place limbo' with far too many clicks/swipes)....until you finally
give up on whether credentials work or not and cower in a corner crying yourself
to sleep wishing things just worked like they used to and why cant you just
have an ethernet cable ;-)


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