FreeRadius 2.1.12, why is EAP AKA support in eap2 module

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Mar 16 13:25:31 CET 2012

Altaf Husain wrote:

>     What do u mean by native code hasn't been written, we do have EAP
>     AKA support in eap 2 module in free radius??

  No.  See Phil's response for details.

>     Regarding code submission and pay to someone, we already have code
>     to support EAP AKA, but wanted to avoid having changes in freeradius
>     with our code, if its all available form FreeRadius that would be
>     eazy for us to maintain and if performance and functionality is
>     already well tested then good for us

  Yes, that would be good.

  But my previous answer is still correct.

  Alan DeKok.

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