Add Users in MySQL database

Fabricio Flores fabrifloresg at
Sat Mar 17 05:39:04 CET 2012

Ok you really help me... Thank you very much...
El 17/03/2012 02:42, "Fajar A. Nugraha" <list at> escribió:

> On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 7:55 AM, Fabricio Flores <fabrifloresg at>
> wrote:
> > Mmm I have a web service so I have users and password... So If somebody
> > wants to login in the captive portal first i want to see in the web
> service
> > if ther is this user, and if the user exists i add the user in the mysql
> > database and freeradius athenticate thes user from the mysql database...
> I'm pretty sure there was a similar thread earlier about this.
> Anyway, for that purpose you do NOT want daloradius/dialupadmin/whatever.
> Instead, what you need is:
> - a captive portal login page, that supports dynamic processing, that
> you can customize (e.g.
> )
> - knowledge on that particular programing laguange (e.g.
> )
> - knowledge on how to create users on FR's sql table. (e.g.
> )
> The "i want to see in the web service if ther is this user" part can
> be easily done by modifying the hotspotlogin page, and "add the user
> in the mysql
> database" part is basically you modify the hostspotlogin page to just
> create an entry in radcheck with (randomly-created) cleartext-password
> attribute, and possibly another entry with Exipration attribute.
> After that set the hotspotlogin to redirect to the captive portal
> (e.g. chillispot) with the correct generated username and password.
> Users don't even need to know what the generated password is. The
> process between captive portal and radius is then just another normal
> NAS <-> radius AAA process, nothing special about it.
> --
> Fajar
> -
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