Values for MySQL tables for pptpd ?

Ali Jawad ali.jawad at
Wed May 23 09:10:24 CEST 2012

I did setup pptpd with freeradius + mysql
pptpd "poptop"  works fine without freeradius, with freeradius and mysql,
all seems fine apart from me not knowing what values to enter into the
mysql tables of freeradius.

With no entries in database I get

Ready to process requests.

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=198, length=67
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        User-Name = "test"
        Calling-Station-Id = ""
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 0
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "test", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 0
radius_xlat:  'test'
rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'test'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id, UserName, Attribute, Value, op           FROM
radcheck           WHERE Username = 'test'           ORDER BY id'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 4
rlm_sql (sql): User test not found in radcheck
radius_xlat:  'SELECT,radgroupcheck.GroupName,radgroupcheck.Attribute,radgroupcheck.Value,radgroupcheck.op
 FROM radgroupcheck,usergroup WHERE usergroup.Username = 'test' AND
usergroup.GroupName = radgroupcheck.GroupName ORDER BY'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT,radgroupreply.GroupName,radgroupreply.Attribute,radgroupreply.Value,radgroupreply.op
 FROM radgroupreply,usergroup WHERE usergroup.Username = 'test' AND
usergroup.GroupName = radgroupreply.GroupName ORDER BY'
rlm_sql (sql): User test not found in radgroupcheck
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 4
rlm_sql (sql): User not found   <#######################
  modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns notfound for request 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 0
modcall: leaving group authorize (returns ok) for request 0
auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the
request: Rejecting the user
auth: Failed to validate the user.
Delaying request 0 for 1 seconds
Finished request 0
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 1 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 1 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Sending Access-Reject of id 198 to port 45194
Waking up in 4 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 0 ID 198 with timestamp 4fbc8c9d

When I do add to radcheck -

INSERT INTO `radcheck` (`id`, `UserName`, `Attribute`, `op`, `Value`) VALUES
(11, 'test', 'Chap-Password', '==', 'test');

 I get

rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=199, length=67
        Service-Type = Framed-User
        Framed-Protocol = PPP
        User-Name = "test"
        Calling-Station-Id = ""
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 1
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 1
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "test", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 1
radius_xlat:  'test'
rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'test'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id, UserName, Attribute, Value, op           FROM
radcheck           WHERE Username = 'test'           ORDER BY id'
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 3
radius_xlat:  'SELECT,radgroupcheck.GroupName,radgroupcheck.Attribute,radgroupcheck.Value,radgroupcheck.op
 FROM radgroupcheck,usergroup WHERE usergroup.Username = 'test' AND
usergroup.GroupName = radgroupcheck.GroupName ORDER BY'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT id, UserName, Attribute, Value, op           FROM
radreply           WHERE Username = 'test'           ORDER BY id'
radius_xlat:  'SELECT,radgroupreply.GroupName,radgroupreply.Attribute,radgroupreply.Value,radgroupreply.op
 FROM radgroupreply,usergroup WHERE usergroup.Username = 'test' AND
usergroup.GroupName = radgroupreply.GroupName ORDER BY'
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 3
rlm_sql (sql): No matching entry in the database for request from user
  modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns notfound for request 1
  modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 1
modcall: leaving group authorize (returns ok) for request 1
auth: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) configuration found for the
request: Rejecting the user <#################
auth: Failed to validate the user.
Delaying request 1 for 1 seconds
Finished request 1
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 1 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 1 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Sending Access-Reject of id 199 to port 46882
Waking up in 4 seconds...
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Cleaning up request 1 ID 199 with timestamp 4fbc8d01
Nothing to do.  Sleeping until we see a request.

I am lost here, please advice.
-------------- next part --------------
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