Coa problem

Mixmasterontour PureDJ mixmasterontour at
Wed Nov 7 12:25:48 CET 2012


I have a problem with originate-coa

I want to send coa to mikrotik to change bandwith

But if I do that I get the folowing error:
(0)    update coa {
ASSERT FAILED evaluate.c[1154]: output_vps
Aborted (core dumped)

I'm using freeradius version 3.0 (I have tried it with radius version 2.1.10, error was slightly different go a segmentation fault)

here is the code within sites-enables/default

update coa {
         User-Name = "%{User-Name}"
         Acct-Session-Id = "%{Acct-Session-Id}"
         NAS-IP-Address = "%{NAS-IP-Address}"
         Framed-IP-Address = "%{Framed-IP-Address}"
         Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = "256K/256K"

This is send from accounting {

I put originate-coa in the sites-enabled

and I have made the folowing config:
home_server mikrotik-test-coa {
        type = coa

        #  Note that a home server of type "coa" MUST be a real NAS,
        #  with an ipaddr or ipv6addr.  It CANNOT point to a virtual
        #  server.
        ipaddr =
        port = 3799

        #  This secret SHOULD NOT be the same as the shared
        #  secret in a "client" section.
        secret = <same as in clients.conf, because in the NAS it is the same>

        #  CoA specific parameters.  See raddb/proxy.conf for details.
        coa {
                irt = 2
                mrt = 16
                mrc = 5
                mrd = 30

server originate-coa.mikrotik {
  pre-proxy {
#        update proxy-request {
#                NAS-IP-Address =
#        }

  # Handle the responses here.

  post-proxy {
        switch "%{proxy-reply:Packet-Type}" {
                case CoA-ACK {

                case CoA-NAK {
                        # the NAS didn't like the CoA request

                case Disconnect-ACK {

                case Disconnect-NAK {
                        # the NAS didn't like the Disconnect request

                # Invalid packet type.  This shouldn't happen.
                case {

        #  These methods are run when there is NO response
        #  to the request.
        Post-Proxy-Type Fail-CoA {

        Post-Proxy-Type Fail-Disconnect {

I have tried many many different settings in originate-coa

when I use radclient I can send a coa with succes.
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