user names and user passwords

Alan DeKok aland at
Fri Nov 16 16:58:05 CET 2012

Dmitry Korzhevin wrote:
> Guys, does anybody know something about maximum username length and user
> password lengt?

  The RFCs say 253 octets for user name, and 128 for password.

> I try to use next login passwords without success (checked with radtest):

  Which is (a) pretty much self-evident.  And (b) not following the
daily instructions to post the full debug log.

  What does "User 19A7A770-CC08-B769-1894-6ED795DA2DB7 not found" mean
to you?

  Have you tried running the SQL qeuries manually?  That's why they're
printed out.  So you can USE THEM to DEBUG THE PROBLEM.

  Alan DeKok.

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