Git master branch & Debian build

Olivier Beytrison olivier at
Mon Nov 19 11:29:54 CET 2012

> Yes i've been working on this too today as I need debian packages for a customer, and that's exactly the point where I got to.
> I'm going to continue with it on monday. Feel free to pull from master, it contains a few more fixes.


I made a fresh clone this morning, and I've been able to make the
packages after a few changes to the files in de debian directory. Those
files refer to a lot of element which don't seems to exist any more in FR3

BTW I'm far from being a debian package expert (in fact it's the first
time I really dig into the package building process).

Here's a summary of my changes. (the -ok version is the one containing
my modifications) :

Hop this helps.


 Olivier Beytrison
 Network & Security Engineer, HES-SO Fribourg
 Mobile: +41 (0)78 619 73 53
 Mail: olivier at

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