Statistics on EAP methods widely used

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Nov 20 19:18:29 CET 2012

Panagiotis Georgopoulos wrote:
> At first you said that 99.9% is PEAP and practise says that 75% is PEAP (even in just 4
> hours). Essentially this is what I am after, to see whether what I am reading online is
> also what happens in practice (in terms of deployment and usage) (and then search why). 

  If you're going to call us liars, then you can go find your own
mailing list.

  This list isn't the place to do research.  The people here are
answering your questions out of the kindness of their hearts.  It's not
nice to call them liars.

  If you care enough about the numbers, you will go do your own work.
Then, everyone here can question your methods and tell you you're doing
it wrong.

  Alan DeKok.

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