Radius Config and Router

George Innocent ginnocentus2002 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 18:05:48 CEST 2012

Actions Taken before raising this case thats the reason why i sent the
config files :
The thing is the log files is getting dumps of loggings even when nobody is
working on the Nodes.
I have started the test with one node before doing the rest.

   - Restored the file using the examples on the original file

   - Done a Radtest with this results: NAS user

root at radius-pst:/usr/local/etc/raddb# radtest read-only testing localhost
1812 testing123

Sending Access-Request of id 77 to port 1812

User-Name = "read-only"

User-Password = "testing"

NAS-IP-Address =

NAS-Port = 1812

Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000

rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=77,

Service-Type = Login-User

Idle-Timeout = 600

Timetra-Access = console

Timetra-Home-Directory = "cf3:"

Timetra-Restrict-To-Home = true

Timetra-Default-Action = permit-all

Timetra-Cmd = "debug,configure"

Timetra-Action = deny


On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 6:23 PM, Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com>wrote:

> George Innocent wrote:
> > Find attached my config files.
>   You were not asked to attach your config files.
> > As stated this works fine with the servers i have but fails with the
> Routers
>   We don't care.
> >     Please restore the users file with the help of the original file.
> >     Then add the
> >     correct entries copying the samples from the original file.
>   You need to follow instructions.
>   You probably also need someone else to run your RADIUS server.  Your
> history of messages on the list show a near complete vacuum with respect
> to reading documentation and following instructions.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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> http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

George Innocent.
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