AUTO: Joachim Brauer/Germany/IBM is out of the office (returning 10/01/2012)

Joachim Brauer jbrauer at
Fri Sep 14 19:57:17 CEST 2012

I am out of the office until 10/01/2012.

Nicht im Büro. Post wird >nicht< bearbeitet. Bitte wenden Sie sich in
eiligen Fällen an meine LAN Team Kollegen.

I am not at my desk. Mail >won't< be checked. In urgent cases please
contact my teammates.

You are welcome :-)

Note: This is an automated response to your message  "Freeradius-Users
Digest, Vol 89, Issue 48" sent on 14/09/2012 15:48:16.

This is the only notification you will receive while this person is away.

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