rlm_python: no %RAD_REQUEST equivalent

laurent.feron at free.fr laurent.feron at free.fr
Mon Sep 24 16:34:00 CEST 2012


I have a perl module that changes the username during the authorization phase (retrieve from a oracle database) by modifying the user-name attribute in the RAD_REQUEST dictionary. This update is global and can be used by the authentication phase (still handled by the perl script).

I try to switch from perl to python as i'm more comfortable. Everything is ok except i don't know how to modify on the fly the user-name.

in the 'authorize(p)' function, p is the read only tuple of the request. I cannot update the request here.
The return of the function is (RLM_MODULE_something, tuple4reply, tuple4config). I still cannot change here.

Moreover, if i change the tuple config in the authorize function , how i can retrieve it in the authentication function?

Maybe i miss something as i'm a beginner on FR.


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