Reporting from logs

Michael Schwartzkopff misch at
Tue Sep 25 15:14:21 CEST 2012

> Hi guys,
> We are new to eduroam and we are using FreeRadius for authentication and
> connection to national proxies.
> Just wondering what kind of reporting you have managed to get out from the
> FreeRadius logs, we wanted some user friendly reports with user numbers,
> success and failed attempts, what realms were used and numbers, even
> possibly bandwidth consumed per user. Daily, weekly and monthly reports.
> Would be grateful to find out what everyone is using to achieve this and if
> someone has some sample reports would be great.
> Cheers
> Paulo


you could use the status server to get the interesting figures:

With a simple script/cronjob  you can feed these data into a RRD and generate 
nice graphs.


Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
Guardinistr. 63
81375 München

Tel: (0163) 172 50 98
Fax: (089) 620 304 13
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