suffix not work for me

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Thu Sep 27 18:58:28 CEST 2012

On 27/09/12 17:06, Tony Peña wrote:
> i put the hint file more below after radiusd -X.. check again please...
> i miss policyfilter...
> i send again both.
> /etc/freeradius/hints
> DEFAULT Suffix == "", Strip-User-Name

Don't do this. It doesn't work reliably, because you modify the 
username, which breaks some things.

Stop using the hints file, and instead do something like this:

authorize {
  if (User-Name =~ /^(.+) {
    update request {
      Stripped-User-Name := "%{1}"

As Alan has pointed out, you can also do this with the "realm" module:

authorize {

...but to do that, you ALSO need to edit proxy.conf and define a fake 
local realm. Personally I find this confusing and like to separate proxy 
realms from username realms.

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