returning a HEX String as a HEX String (bit string) instead of the decimal equivalent - FreeRADIUS 2.1.10

Arran Cudbard-Bell a.cudbardb at
Tue Aug 6 14:50:04 CEST 2013

>> HPO switch debug;
>> 0049:03:34:00.18 MAC  mWebAuth:Port: 29 MAC: 080027-e4b2cd new client detected on vid: 11.
>> 0049:03:34:00.18 MAC  mWebAuth:Port: 29 MAC: 080027-e4b2cd RADIUS CHAP authentication started, session: 2985.
>> 0049:03:34:00.20 MAC  mWebAuth:Port: 29 MAC: 080027-e4b2cd vid attribute error during RADIUS processing.
>> 0049:03:34:00.20 MAC  mWebAuth:Port: 29 MAC: 080027-e4b2cd client rejected,
>> session: 2985, invalid attributes.
>> 0049:03:34:00.20 MAC  mWebAuth:Port: 29 MAC: 080027-e4b2cd client authentication failed, login retry count: 1 >= max-retires: 0, no unauth-vid configured, entering quiet-period: 30 seconds.
>> W 08/06/13 09:45:58 02400 dca: macAuth client, RADIUS-assigned VID validation error. MAC 080027E4B2CD port 29 VLAN-Id 0 or unknown.
> Because you're still sending the wrong value?

...and why the hell couldn't they include the VLAN ID that the switch thinks it received.

Nathan Jenne, if you read the list, your code sucks :P


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