stored procedure value for access-reject in free radius

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue Feb 5 12:46:18 CET 2013

On 05/02/13 10:44, Lakshmi Narayana Baliah wrote:
>     Hi all,
>    I want to configure the  free radius to return access-reject based on the value in stored procedure in oracle database( i have configured oracle database to free radius)
>    How do i do that ??? please help....

There are many ways, it depends on exactly what you want to do. You are 
being too vague.

One option is to use an SQL xlat in unlang, like so:

authorize {
   update control {
     Tmp-String-0 := "%{sql: <sql to call proc goes here>}"
   if (control:Tmp-String-0 == "reject") {

The SQL inside the XLAT can reference packet values e.g.

  %{sql:select some_proc('%{User-Name}')}

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