MAC Authentication with FreeRadius

Bouchra Badri bouchra.badri at
Fri Feb 22 12:14:42 CET 2013

1 - I was wondering if going through the tuto in wiki.freeradius is
necessary to be able to authenticate using the mac address ?
For one, that rewrite_calling_station_id generates an error at the run of
freeradius, plus I've seen some tutos that say that cisco Mac-auth-Bypass
can do the trick...
Can you confirm it please? Because it doesn't work either :(

2 - I can probably do it using the vmps and mac2vlan files supplied by
FreeRad, but in mac2vlan they say that radiusd.conf shows how to use it in
detail, but that's not the case !
So can you please provide a clear tutorial on how to use vmps with

Thank you  !
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