TOP UP Voucher Time / TOP UP User Time

Russell Mike radius.sir at
Wed Feb 27 17:48:05 CET 2013

Dear Mr. Alen. D Greetings,

Million thanks for developing such software to make life easy. i wish to
seek your opinion in one task, Kindly advice. What are the possibilities to
TOP UP Voucher time / TOP UP a user time. Kindly share the idea. if you in
my position, how would you address this challenge? i am asking because you
can think better solution than i would. i am willing to study further.

*What i am thinking the following, i am not sure even if it is valid
thought / idea*

Freeradius check accounting records in "Radacct" table. creating
additionaltable in radius database *"TOP_UP_TIME"*. When user click top up
icon, if something can transfer all accounting records for that user
to "TOP_UP_TIME" table. Freeradius would not know since when the user is
logged in because there is no account in "Radacct" table. The next
accounting that will reach from NAS to Freeradius would be the first time

Thanks / Regards

RM --
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