Post Auth Configurations

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Jul 18 17:46:49 CEST 2013

Navodit Bhardwaj wrote:
> For each Access-Request recieved and authenticated successfully I want
> to do following:
>  1. Verify if Access-Request contains a parameter i.e IMEI of mobile
>  2. If Not, send Access-Reject. Else, 
>  3. compare IMEI to value in database and assign a 32bit hex number in
> Access-Accept

  You should be able to just write this in unlang.  Write down which
attributes you have, and what values you're looking for.  Then, write
the logic.

> Basically, I am doing a second authentication after initial
> authentication (PAP, CHAP) is successful.

  Don't do that.  Do it *before* PAP or CHAP.  In the "authorize" section.

  Alan DeKok.

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