2.2.0 - Shared Secret is incorrect

Anja Ruckdaeschel Anja.Ruckdaeschel at rz.uni-regensburg.de
Fri Jul 19 14:02:16 CEST 2013


I´m wondering, if I miss something or why do Info-Messages about
Invalid-Message-Authenticator not appear
in the default radius.log anymore? Even can´t get it with

update control {
		       Tmp-String-0 = "%{debug:7}"

in log section of radiusd.conf.

It´s only shown in debug mode with radiusd -X: 
 Info: Received packet from x.x.x.x with invalid Message-Authenticator! 
(Shared secret is incorrect.) Dropping packet without response.

Kind regards, Anja

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