FreeRadius + MySql + Crypt-Password unable to authenticate

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Mon Jul 29 15:04:45 CEST 2013

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Marcel Kraan <marcel at> wrote:

> Thanks… i think my wifi router does not have that option…
> On 29 jul. 2013, at 14:15, Navodit Bhardwaj <navodit.bhardwaj at>
> wrote:
> By default PAP, CHAP.. are enabled in FR.
> You may need to change the authentication settings in your client. i.e
> Wifi Router to send PAP enabled access-request.
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Marcel Kraan <marcel at> wrote:
>> Yes i want to use "PAP" (?) but where do i change that?
>> into my Wifi router ? or in the Freeradius config?

As Phil said, you need to change it in the client.

If you have windows 8 clients, IIRC it has built-in support for PEAP-GTC
and TTLS-PAP (which is also supported by linux, android, macs). In both
cases the client passes cleartext password inside encrypted tunnel, so
crypt passwords on FR side should work fine.

If you have older windows clients, and don't have third-party
PEAP-GTC/TTLS-PAP-capable supplicant, then you're stuck with EAP-MSCHAP, so
you need to store password as clear text or nt-hash.

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