Duplicated records in RADACCT with differents delay times

Antonio Fernández Pérez antoniofernandez at fabergames.com
Fri Jun 14 13:27:01 CEST 2013

Hi everybody,

I have a problema with my FreeRADIUS accounting. I have detected that there
are a lot of records duplicated but with different AcctStartDelay and
AcctStopDelay. In raddact table appears for the same user more than one use
when should appear only one.

INSERT INTO `radacct` (`RadAcctId`, `AcctSessionId`, `AcctUniqueId`,
`UserName`, `Realm`, `NASIPAddress`, `NASPortId`, `NASPortType`,
`AcctStartTime`, `AcctStopTime`, `AcctSessionTime`, `AcctAuthentic`,
`ConnectInfo_start`, `ConnectInfo_stop`, `AcctInputOctets`,
`AcctOutputOctets`, `CalledStationId`, `CallingStationId`,
`AcctTerminateCause`, `ServiceType`, `FramedProtocol`, `FramedIPAddress`,
`AcctStartDelay`, `AcctStopDelay`, `XAscendSessionSvrKey`) VALUES (3970329,
'80d0090b', '28e7b4a55f1dead8', 'ni334ROHUH', '', '',
'2161117451', 'Wireless-802.11', '2013-02-05 20:14:42', '2013-02-05
20:39:23', 1481, '', '', '', 1443428, 3321047, 'aptrevoli',
'E0:B9:BA:DB:B4:E4', 'Lost-Service', '', '', '', 4, 4, '');
INSERT INTO `radacct` (`RadAcctId`, `AcctSessionId`, `AcctUniqueId`,
`UserName`, `Realm`, `NASIPAddress`, `NASPortId`, `NASPortType`,
`AcctStartTime`, `AcctStopTime`, `AcctSessionTime`, `AcctAuthentic`,
`ConnectInfo_start`, `ConnectInfo_stop`, `AcctInputOctets`,
`AcctOutputOctets`, `CalledStationId`, `CallingStationId`,
`AcctTerminateCause`, `ServiceType`, `FramedProtocol`, `FramedIPAddress`,
`AcctStartDelay`, `AcctStopDelay`, `XAscendSessionSvrKey`) VALUES (3970328,
'80d0090b', '28e7b4a55f1dead8', 'ni334ROHUH', '', '',
'2161117451', 'Wireless-802.11', '2013-02-05 20:14:38', '2013-02-05
20:39:23', 1481, '', '', '', 1443428, 3321047, 'aptrevoli',
'E0:B9:BA:DB:B4:E4', 'Lost-Service', '', '', '', 0, 4, '');

Anybody knows how could I fix this?


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