PHP MD5 with appended salt

René Klomp rene at
Wed Mar 6 18:17:16 CET 2013

On 06.03.20013 17:59 Olivier Beytrison wrote:
> On 06.03.2013 17:29, René Klomp wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am trying to connect my freeradius server to a mysql database containing all users. I created a new view to represent the table structure needed by freeradius, but I a problem with validating the passwords.
> >
> > The passwords of my users are (from a PHP application) concatenated with a salt, which is the same for all passwords, and stored using the regular php md5 function: md5($userpass . ':' . $salt)
> >
> >
> > How can I make freeradius to append this salt to the password as well and validate the password in the correct way? Is there a default way to do this? Or should I create a module to do this?
> >
> First question, how are your users identifying with freeradius ? PAP ?
> If the password is sent in clear by the user, you could use the md5 xlat
> function then compare the value in your database.
> Olivier
> --
>   Olivier Beytrison
>   Network & Security Engineer, HES-SO Fribourg
>   Mail: olivier at
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At the moment I am testing with PAP. 
What do you mean with 'the md5 xlat'. 

I have no previous experience with radius, this is my first project, so if you can please elaborate a bit more.

René Klomp

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