Get Stop in accounting do some action

Mehdi Ravanbakhsh babakco at
Thu Mar 7 00:35:10 CET 2013

Dear Arran  i see in log file that  first  executing  preacct section and
then  UPDATE radacct  by  AcctStopTime ..  if i need to change that record
i need to Executing my perl script or uunlang script after database updated
with   AcctStopTime  so do i need chnage the location of this :

preacct {
        if (Acct-Status-Type == 'Stop') {
                <read  some radacct fild of that session to do some
calculate and do some query in database in radcheck and radreplay>

LOG file :

 [<thread>] # Executing section preacct from file
# Executing section accounting from file
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 0
rlm_sql_postgresql: query: START TRANSACTION
rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_COMMAND_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 0
rlm_sql_postgresql: query: UPDATE radippool   SET nasipaddress = '',
pool_key = 0, callingstationid = '',   expiry_time = 'now'::timestamp(0) -
'1 second'::interval   WHERE nasipaddress = ''   AND pool_key =
'32'   AND username = 'test1'   AND callingstationid = ''
AND framedipaddress = ''
rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_COMMAND_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 1
rlm_sql_postgresql: query: COMMIT
rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_COMMAND_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 0
Released IP (did cli user test1)
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 0
rlm_sql (sql): Reserving sql socket id: 4
rlm_sql_postgresql: query: UPDATE radacct   SET AcctStopTime = ('2013-03-07
07:31:04'::timestamp - '0'::interval),   AcctSessionTime = CASE WHEN '176'
= '' THEN   (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ('2013-03-07 07:31:04'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME
  ELSE NULLIF('176','')::BIGINT END,   AcctInputOctets = (('0'::bigint <<
32) + '28689'::bigint),   AcctOutputOctets = (('0'::bigint << 32) +
'80'::bigint),   AcctTerminateCause = 'NAS-Request',   AcctStopDelay = 0,
FramedIPAddress = NULLIF('', '')::inet,   ConnectInfo_stop =
''   WHERE AcctSessionId = '81000016'   AND UserName = 'test1'   AND
NASIPAddress = ''   AND AcctStopTime IS NULL
rlm_sql_postgresql: Status: PGRES_COMMAND_OK
rlm_sql_postgresql: query affected rows = 1
rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 4
Ready to process requests.

On Sun, Mar 3, 2013 at 8:30 PM, Arran Cudbard-Bell <
a.cudbardb at> wrote:

> On 3 Mar 2013, at 11:32, Mehdi Ravanbakhsh <babakco at> wrote:
> > Hello everyone
> >
> > I need to update some check and replay  attribute in database when get
> stop in accounting  and the session is finish
> >
> > i need to know  in which section of  virtual server file (
>  sites-enabled/default) i need to put unlang script (and/or perl script) ?
> >
> > and
> >
> > how i can check in script if accounting get stop packet ,  .
> preacct {
>         if (Acct-Status-Type == 'Stop') {
>                 <read  some radacct fild of that session to do some
> calculate and do some query in database in radcheck and radreplay>
>         }
> }
> -
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