How to use checkval

Alan DeKok aland at
Thu Mar 14 18:12:11 CET 2013

Danny Kurniawan wrote:
> So is anyone know how to do the following in the FreeRadius 1.1.7 ?
> if(control:Calling-Station-Id == ""){
>         reject
>     }

  You don't.  Version 1 doesn't suppot "unlang".

> I just want to reject the packet if the Control (or maybe check) is
> empty or has no value. I could not afford to upgrade at this time as
> it's a native freeradius comes with SLES 10 and i'm not sure how to
> compile the new radius there.

  There's a "suse" directory in the tarball.  You should be able to
build a SUSE RPM yourself.

  Alan DeKok.

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