Proxy.conf realms

Matthew Ceroni matthewceroni at
Fri Mar 15 23:29:00 CET 2013

When doing 802.1x authentication from a Windows computer it initially sends
the request with the computer credentials. The username comes across as
host/E4310-D7SZZN1.domain.local. I then query LDAP in authorize and do
authentication against AD.

In order to do both steps the username needs to be stripped to just
E4310-D7SZZN1. I was able to accomplish this by placing the following in
the authorize section

        if ("%{request:User-Name}" =~ /^host\/(.*).domain.local$/) {
                update request {
                        Stripped-User-Name = "%{1}$"

This worked just for the authentication section as it appears this happens
after the LDAP module is called in authorize.

How can I get this to happen earlier in the process? Right now I am looking
at the proxy.conf file and setting a realm? Would this be the area to have
this done?
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