Basic question to authenticate switches and Linux boxes

Matt Zagrabelny mzagrabe at
Wed May 8 22:39:42 CEST 2013

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Roberto Carna <robertocarna36 at> wrote:
> Dear, I'm new at Freeredius as an AAA sever in a Linux box and I need to
> authenticate Allied switches and Debian/Centos boxes.
> What package/module do I have to install in adition to freeradius ???

For the Debian clients you might want:


You can use apt-cache to search for things:

% apt-cache search radius pam
freeradius - high-performance and highly configurable RADIUS server
libpam-radius-auth - The PAM RADIUS authentication module
yardradius - YARD Radius Authorization and Accounting Server

> what authentication procedure do I have ti use in order to let universal AAA
> ???

I don't understand this question.


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